Join us at the Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh for a day filled with talks and discussions. Learn about how philosophy, linguistics and AI combine to build computational systems of reasoning. With speakers studying argumentation theory to robotics, this workshop will bring together vastly different worlds through the lens of argumentation.

What to expect

Tutorial on Argumentative Dialogue: Participants can learn about approaches to reasoning out of conflict by drawing on a variety of theories of argumenation.
Keynote and talks: The workshop aims to bridge the gap between two closely related but distinct fields: argument mining and computational argumentation.
Lightning Talks: Early career researchers are encouraged to share their findings whether previously published or as work-in-progress in a round of three-minute lightning talks!


Introduction and Welcome 9:00 9:30 Dr. Nadin Kokciyan, Ameer Saadat
Tutorial on Argumentative Dialogues 9:30 10:30 Ameer Saadat (University of Edinburgh) & Dr. Andreas Xydis (University of Lincoln)
Coffee Break 10:30 11:00
Talks 11:00 11:50 Prof. Nir Oren (University of Aberdeen), & Prof. Elizabeth Sklar (University of Lincoln)
Talks 12:00 12:50 Dr. Nadin Kokciyan (University of Edinburgh) & Prof. Chris Reed (University of Dundee)
Lunch 12:50 14:30
Student & PostDoc Lightning Talks 14:30 15:00
Talks 15:00 15:50 Prof. Simon Parsons (University of Lincoln) & Dr. Simon Wells (Edinburgh Napier University)
Coffee Break 15:50 16:10
Open Forum Discussion 16:10 17:00

6 Apr 2023 by Ameer Saadat

Welcome. This site was created to highlight the breadth of the work that we do in CHAI Lab. Stick around for updates!!!