Nadin Kökciyan

Director of CHAI Lab

I am currently a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the School of Informatics, and a Senior Research Affiliate at the Centre for Technomoral Futures, Edinburgh Futures Institute.

I am:


“I didn’t click”: What users say when reporting phishing

Uncovering Implicit Inferences for Improved Relational Argument Mining

Responsible Agency Through Answerability: Cultivating the Moral Ecology of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Answerability by Design in Sociotechnical Systems

A survey on understanding and representing privacy requirements in the Internet-of-Things

A Web-based Tool for Detecting Argument Validity and Novelty

Using Microservices to Design Patient-facing Research Software

The relationship of socio-demographic factors and patient attitudes to connected health technologies: A survey of stroke survivors

Taking Situation-Based Privacy Decisions: Privacy Assistants Working with Humans

KEViN: A knowledge enhanced validity and novelty classifier for arguments

Sociotechnical perspectives on AI ethics and accountability

Argumentation schemes for clinical decision support

Argumentation-based Dialogues for Privacy Policy Reasoning

Applying Metalevel Argumentation Frameworks to Support Medical Decision Making

TURP: Managing Trust for Regulating Privacy in Internet of Things

In the wild pilot usability assessment of a connected health system for stroke self management

Implementing argument and explanation schemes in dialogue

An Argumentation-Based Approach to Generate Domain-Specific Explanations

User involvement in the design of a data-driven self-management decision support tool for stroke survivors